Monday 10 June 2013

Any things to share from your holidays?

Dear children,

How have your holidays been so far? Any thoughts or reflections or exciting and interesting moments that you want to share with the class? I came across this on a magazine while having my breakfast and it started to get me thinking...

Have you ever wondered? What if this really happen one day?

Water is precious. Save every drop of it! Don't you agree?

Sunday 2 June 2013

Holiday work

Dear pupils,

As we enjoy the June Holidays, do remember to do some revision and catch up on your school work too! Below are your June Holidays homework, remember to complete them!

1. General
a. Travel Declaration on AsknLearn

2. Mathematics
a. Do the sums assigned on
b. Revise work in Semester 1

3. English
a. Read at least 2 books from the Reading List
b. Journal (2 entries - one entry on reflection on SA 1 results and another entry on any other topic)

4. Science
a. Science worksheet on jet-propelled balloon


I look forward to an exciting and wonderful Semester 2 with all of you!

Ms Zhou

Celebration for End of Semester 1

I hope all of you had a great time on the last day of school! Thank you for being so proactive in bringing snacks and making the party a success! Thank you to Yu Xuan for the pizzas too! I must say I am really heartened to see you sharing your food generously with the people around you, even with children from other classes. Thank you and have a great holiday!