Thursday 6 March 2014

Camp ^5 2014

The 3 days and 2 nights that we spent with one another, learning how to be independent, to work together and to take care of one another. Looking back...

Ice-breaking games in school before the camp...

Meal times in the canteen…
"Hungry, hungry.  Very, very. Hungry very, very hungry……"

The teambuilding games which we displayed our CARES values in...

Equipping ourselves with lifeskills…such as...
Basic first aid
Outdoor cooking!

Overcoming our fears and being brave to step forward to try.
High rope elements
 Rock Climbing

 Night walk

Last but not least…the Campfire!

Good job, everyone, for taking good care of yourself and your friends over the three days. Hope it had been an enjoyable and memorable camp for you. Remember to leave a note if you have something to say about the camp or you want to thank someone for taking care of you in the camp.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

2014…A Better Year Ahead

Welcome to a new year, children! 2013 has been an awesome journey with all of you and I hope that 2014 will be an even better year for all of us!

Two months have passed and I apologize that I am able to update the blog only now. It is already week 9 and we have indeed gone through several events - P5 Camp, Chinese New Year , Total Defence Day,  CA 1 etc. 

Remember what I shared with you on the first day of school? Let us spare some time to reflect and check if we are progressing the way that we should be.

For yourself...