Saturday 25 October 2014


Average = Total ÷ no. of quantity
Note: 0 is considered one quantity too

Total = average x no. of quantities

For more revision:
Visible Thinking 5B Pg 25 Qn 28
Word Problems: refer to VT for more practice revision
Average topical test

In a test, A scored 34 marks, B scored 48 marks and C scored 20 marks. How many marks should C have scored if they want to increase their average by 3marks?

Answer will be posted as a comment. Check your work!


1 m = 100 cm
1 km = 1000 m

1 kg = 1000 g

1ℓ = 1000 mℓ

309 cm = ____ m ____ cm = ________ m
3009 m  = ____ km ____m = ________km
4.35 km = _________ m
1004 g = ___kg _____g = _________kg
6.03 kg = __________ g
3020 mℓ = ____ ℓ _____mℓ = ________ℓ
1.45 ℓ = _________mℓ

Answers will be posted as comment. Check your work!


When you multiply, the number gets bigger, hence decimal place shifts to the right.
3.49 x 1000 = 3490
*An easy way to check your answer is use estimation àto round off the decimal to the whole number and multiply
à 3 x 1000 = 3000. Hence, answer should be about 3000.
When you divide, the number gets smaller, hence decimal place shifts to the left.
2580 ÷ 1000 = 2.58
*An easy way to check your answer is use estimation

à 2000 ÷ 1000 = 2. Hence, answer should  be about 2.

2.48 x 30 = _____________   
2.48 x 30 = 2.48 x 3 x 10 = 7.44 x 10 = 74.4
Ans: 74.4
468 ÷ 2000 = ____________
468 ÷ 2000 = 468 ÷ 2 ÷ 1000 = 234 ÷ 1000 = 0.234
Ans: 0.234
4.68 x 200 = ______ x 100
4.68 x 200 = (4.68 x 2) x 100 = 9.36 x 100
Ans: 9.36
4.68 x 200 = ______ x 10
4.68 x 200 = (4.68 x 20) x 10 = 93.6 x 100

Solution to Geometry Worksheet