Sunday 26 May 2013

Ice cream

Hi 4/7,

I know you are very excited about making the ice cream. I was not able to tell you earlier what you have to bring as I needed to try out this experiment first. I just did and I must say it is indeed amazing and interesting!

This is the list of ingredient and items that we need for each serving of ice-cream:

- 1/2 cup of milk
- 1/2 teaspoon of sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla essence
- 4 teaspoons of salt
- one BIG bag of ice cubes
- One small ziplock bag
- One big ziplock bag
- Towel

We will be working in pairs. So, do start finding yourself a partner for this activity.

For each pair, please bring the following:
- Towel
- 2 spoons
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 4 teaspoons of salt
- 1 or 2 bags of ice cubes
- vanilla essence (if you have)

I'll be providing the ziplock bags and milk. Remember to bring the necessary items! If not, you will not be able to participate in the activity. 

A preview of what you will be doing and getting tomorrow!

Saturday 11 May 2013

Dear 4/7,

Please do not come early at 10.30am on Monday. I have other duties in school on Monday morning and I will not be able to give you extra lessons. Please help to spread the message to your fellow classmates.

My apologies!

Study hard and all the best for your Maths paper on Monday!

Ms Zhou

Saturday 4 May 2013

Composition Writing

Dear children,

Do remember to prepare for your composition writing examination which is on the coming Monday. Please take note of the following points:

1. Do not spend more than 7 minutes planning your story. You need not write down your story plan but do try to visualise the whole story in your mind before you write it. Do remember to include the following:
- Setting (when, who, where, what, feeling)
- Story development (Problem and Solution)
- Conclusion

2. You may want to use direct speeches for thoughts and speeches to make your story more interesting. However, try to keep to just one or at most, two direct speeches in each paragraph. Please take note of the punctuations when writing direct speeches:

"I'm sorry," the embarrassed boy apologised meekly.
"I am so excited!" John exclaimed.
"What do you think you are doing?" the angry teacher asked.

3. Do revise your writing vocabulary lists and use the phrases or words when applicable.

4. Write neatly.

Last of all, remain clam and believe that you can do well!

I will be conducting a supplementary lesson on Monday morning at 10.30am in 3/3 classroom to do a quick revision for composition writing. This lesson is NOT compulsory but you are definitely welcomed to join in if you need help for composition writing.

All the best, children. See you on Monday!