Saturday 25 October 2014


Average = Total ÷ no. of quantity
Note: 0 is considered one quantity too

Total = average x no. of quantities

For more revision:
Visible Thinking 5B Pg 25 Qn 28
Word Problems: refer to VT for more practice revision
Average topical test

In a test, A scored 34 marks, B scored 48 marks and C scored 20 marks. How many marks should C have scored if they want to increase their average by 3marks?

Answer will be posted as a comment. Check your work!


1 m = 100 cm
1 km = 1000 m

1 kg = 1000 g

1ℓ = 1000 mℓ

309 cm = ____ m ____ cm = ________ m
3009 m  = ____ km ____m = ________km
4.35 km = _________ m
1004 g = ___kg _____g = _________kg
6.03 kg = __________ g
3020 mℓ = ____ ℓ _____mℓ = ________ℓ
1.45 ℓ = _________mℓ

Answers will be posted as comment. Check your work!


When you multiply, the number gets bigger, hence decimal place shifts to the right.
3.49 x 1000 = 3490
*An easy way to check your answer is use estimation àto round off the decimal to the whole number and multiply
à 3 x 1000 = 3000. Hence, answer should be about 3000.
When you divide, the number gets smaller, hence decimal place shifts to the left.
2580 ÷ 1000 = 2.58
*An easy way to check your answer is use estimation

à 2000 ÷ 1000 = 2. Hence, answer should  be about 2.

2.48 x 30 = _____________   
2.48 x 30 = 2.48 x 3 x 10 = 7.44 x 10 = 74.4
Ans: 74.4
468 ÷ 2000 = ____________
468 ÷ 2000 = 468 ÷ 2 ÷ 1000 = 234 ÷ 1000 = 0.234
Ans: 0.234
4.68 x 200 = ______ x 100
4.68 x 200 = (4.68 x 2) x 100 = 9.36 x 100
Ans: 9.36
4.68 x 200 = ______ x 10
4.68 x 200 = (4.68 x 20) x 10 = 93.6 x 100

Solution to Geometry Worksheet

Monday 18 August 2014

Synthesis Practice

Exercise 7
1. This bag which is hand-woven with previous stones is designed by a famous French designer.
This bag which is designed by a famous French designer is hand-woven with precious stones.

2. The equatorial jungle in which numerous species of flora and fauna flourish is fast diminishing.

3. My uncle who is my mother's brother works as a butler for a prominent politician in Dubai.

4. The writer whose hair is long and curly has written many children's adventure stories.

5. (It is alright if you are not able to do this  :]  )
I want to express my gratitude to my family and friends without whose support I will not be a successful film director.

Exercise 8
1. Mrs De Souza whom Sue has a lot of respect and admiration for is a dedicated teacher.

2. I told her to trust Jim whom I knew was the more reliable one.

3. The prestigious institution of learning where many notable scientists and inventors have been produced is expanding overseas.

4.  When I finally had the courage to break the news to Josh, he appeared bewildered and shocked all at once.

5. He denied vehemently when I accused him of abusing the kitten.

Geetha Menon B.A., P.G.D.E. , Editing, Punctutation, Synthesis & Transformation (Primary 5), Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd, 2009

Saturday 26 July 2014

Good job, P5/7!

Well done, children!

Thank you for being so forthcoming in donating items that you do not need anymore yet can bring value to others.

Good job for being active in sorting out the items and setting up the booth!

I am so proud to see you displaying the spirit of caring and sharing, for the people around you and the environment!

I hope you had fun, as much as I did!

Thursday 24 July 2014

Learning Fiesta ^^

Tomorrow is Learning Fiesta!
We're supposed to bring a small bag ^^
Pencil case
Some snacks(if you even want)
Cash :>
I saw it on the form (last year Learning Fiesta)
Wear Your Traditional Costumes or School Attire. :>

Thursday 17 July 2014

Save the world!

10 Things You Can Do to Help Save the Earth

Encourage someone to reduce their carbon footprint in a way or another today!

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Things That You Can Sell For Learning Fiesta

Toys :>
Soft Toys :>
Storybooks :>
Accessories :>
Clothes :>
Unused Stationery :>
Bookmarks :>

Thursday 6 March 2014

Camp ^5 2014

The 3 days and 2 nights that we spent with one another, learning how to be independent, to work together and to take care of one another. Looking back...

Ice-breaking games in school before the camp...

Meal times in the canteen…
"Hungry, hungry.  Very, very. Hungry very, very hungry……"

The teambuilding games which we displayed our CARES values in...

Equipping ourselves with lifeskills…such as...
Basic first aid
Outdoor cooking!

Overcoming our fears and being brave to step forward to try.
High rope elements
 Rock Climbing

 Night walk

Last but not least…the Campfire!

Good job, everyone, for taking good care of yourself and your friends over the three days. Hope it had been an enjoyable and memorable camp for you. Remember to leave a note if you have something to say about the camp or you want to thank someone for taking care of you in the camp.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

2014…A Better Year Ahead

Welcome to a new year, children! 2013 has been an awesome journey with all of you and I hope that 2014 will be an even better year for all of us!

Two months have passed and I apologize that I am able to update the blog only now. It is already week 9 and we have indeed gone through several events - P5 Camp, Chinese New Year , Total Defence Day,  CA 1 etc. 

Remember what I shared with you on the first day of school? Let us spare some time to reflect and check if we are progressing the way that we should be.

For yourself...

Friday 25 October 2013

Thursday 17 October 2013


Dear children,

Hope all of you are studying hard for your exams next week. Do check the following with your answers on your Science revision paper (Greenwood).

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Wacky but true facts

Interesting facts

The first ever aeroplane flight lasted 12 seconds and went as far as 36.5 metres.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Wacky but true facts

Intresting facts

Your ears will hurt when sounds are above 130 db.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Wacky but true facts

Intresting Facts

Your ear never stops working. Even when you go to sleep, it still hears sounds, but the brain shuts them out.

Monday 30 September 2013

Think about this question:
 What can you do to keep a bottle of cold water cold for a long period of time?

Saturday 28 September 2013

The homework for the weekend:
1. Comprehension practice
2. Maths workbook
3. Problem sums from Revision paper 3
4. English Compo Draft 2( people who got lower than 15/20)
Please finish it all and remember to study for your exams!

Sunday 8 September 2013

Thank you!

Dear children,

Thank you for the lovely surprise last Wednesday. Initially, I really thought that there was no one in class. Upon stepping into the classroom, everyone just appeared and greeted me with a 'Happy Teacher's Day'. I must say, I was really heartened. =)

Thank you for all the presents, the cards (I love cards!), the food, the red pens, the flowers and most importantly, for being such great children. Even though you can be rather naughty at times, quite noisy many of the times, lazy sometimes, inattentive and untidy at times...

Ms Zhou loves you all the same!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Fun with tessellations

Dear children,

Try to create your own tessellation with this! =)
Have fun!