Monday 4 August 2014

What are your thoughts about this?


  1. Nicole Cuaresma4 August 2014 at 13:24

    I truly think that we are destroying lives because of our everyday habits like littering. It's not the shark that kills a lot, it is ourselves. We should change such habits into better ones.

  2. I feel that at first, most people would have thought that the shark was the "dangerous" creature mentioned in the picture but it turned out that the human was the one responsible for millions of deaths of animals in a year. Based on studies, the mosquito is the top killer, the human is the second, and the list goes on and on but the predator that is at the bottom of the list is surprisingly.. the shark. So, i think that we have to be more mindful about what we do. we do not directly kill animals, it is the human activities that are the ones that are killing them. We carry out the activities for our own convenience so we have to stop using too much natural resources... save the earth

    1. Too many words!!!

    2. I also think so.

    3. Post this eveywhere to stop shark hunting!!
      ☻/ This is bob. Copy and paste him so he can stop shark hunting

    4. Dear Zin, thank you for your response. I can see that you have put in good thoughts into it. =)

  3. yeah i totally agree with nicole a shark can swim peacefully beside a human so why cant people from different race be friends? it does not matter if you are white or black chinese or not as long as you talk to me i will talk to you back :3

  4. This picture speaks a thousand words....
    This is a meaningful and purposeful picture....
    I feel that we are the ones harming animals and we should stop it by reducing the usage of electricity and more.We should be fair and do justice to all these animals.

  5. I feel that we are the ones who destroying the lives.Sharks will not kill those animals that hurt them.But we kill the animals to fill our hunger so I think we should do our part to save the lives of the animals and ourselves.

  6. I really think humans are horribly polluting the Earth and i think they should take action before something bad happens.:(

  7. I think that one day, humanity will be at the brink of extinction..

  8. At first I taught that it is saying about the shark is the dangerous animal.But when i look behind, i found out that actually the dangerous animal is the human.What makes us the dangerous animal because we are littering,burning down trees and making the earth sick.
    So can we save the earth by doing the 3R's?

  9. Although shark is a very dangerous animal in the marine live but actually the shark dont kill human but is the human who kill shark for their fins.I hope you guys save the marine animals...

    Yours sincerely

    1. Should we need to put your sincerely?

    2. This may be a dangerous animal but we are the dangerous one!
      We are hunting them every time and everyday,many sharks are being killed everywhere.
      post this!to stop this once in for all!

      ☻/ This is bob. Copy and paste him so he can stop shark hunting!

  10. Hello there! The shark is so scary ...beside it is a more dangerous animal...The Human!! Well we are the ones who are destroying the world and the lifes of many so i would like to invite everyone to sve the world and pray forthe war in Gaza!

    1. ...........Sai Wai Phyo ........17 August 2014 at 20:24

      the cease fire is just startin

    2. ...........Sai Wai Phyo ........17 August 2014 at 20:25

      but there is war in syria,iranq that group called ISIS tho

    3. ...........Sai Wai Phyo ........17 August 2014 at 20:25


    4. This is the voice from the future. It's 26th March 2024 and I hope you are all doing good, that you all have happiness in your lives.
      Early this morning a cargo ship crashed into the Baltimore Bridge, causing it to collapse. As I write, emergency services are still searching for survivors.
      The aftermath of the September 7th massacre in Israel is the ongoing war in Gaza against Hamas.
      The war in Syria still goes on. The Kurdish authorities are struggling with guarding ISIS refugee camps, while ISIS K committed a terror attack in Russia where over 130 people lost their lives.
      Sharks, meanwhile, have killed a lot less people than people have.

  11. Yan Qing & Yee xin4 August 2014 at 13:45

    When we first read this, we thought that the shark was the most dangerous animal in the world. After reading the passage again and again, we realized that man is actually the most dangerous animal as man killed millions of lifes without realizing it. We definitely cannot stop the deaths each year but we can reduce the deaths caused by man.

  12. It is not the shark's fault for killing millions of people. They may have just mistaken us for fish that they eat. In fact, it is the humans that is the world's most dangerous animal. Humans contribute to global warming which, in turn, slowly kill many animals which have nothing to do with mankind.
    / \ /

  13. This may be a dangerous animal but we are the dangerous one!
    We are hunting them every time and everyday,many sharks are being killed everywhere.
    post this!to stop this once in for all!

    ☻/ This is bob. Copy and paste him so he can stop shark hunting!

  14. I think that men is more harmful than sharks. For sharks, they would only kill people when they are irritated by someone. But for men, they can cause global warming that such as spilling the oil and polluting the air. Global warming causes everything that is living in earth. So we must stop doing things that can cause global warming to save the world or not we are going to be more harmful than sharks.

    1. I think that men is more harmful than sharks. For sharks, they would only kill people when they are irritated by someone. But for men, they can cause global warming that such as spilling the oil and polluting the air. Global warming causes everything that is living in earth [to die].
      sorry missing words.

  15. I thought that sharks were the killer of humans in the past.After looking at this message ,i was shocked!Now i know that actually we humans r the killer of sharks.In fact,all other animals too!We had been hunting for them just for money of its body part but they only attack us when we irritates them!

  16. At first, i thought that the photo was trying to tell us that the shark is the most
    dangerous animal on earth causing millions of deaths. But, after deep thought, i found that the message that the message that the picture is trying to bring to us that the shark will only hurt us humans when we provoke them. So, it is not actually their fault that they have caused so many deaths. And also, like Ms Zhou said, the most dangerous message on earth is not the shark but actually us humans. We kill the sharks, fishes and also hunt for animals for their skin for example: snakes and elephants. We also pollute the environment by littering, building buildings on the fields. So, if you do not want the earth to become a world which is all dirty and smelly, please do your part now to save the earth.Your little action can make a big difference.

  17. At first, i thought that the photo was trying to tell us that the shark is the most
    dangerous animal on earth causing millions of deaths. But, after deep thought, i found that the message that the message that the picture is trying to bring to us that the shark will only hurt us humans when we provoke them. So, it is not actually their fault that they have caused so many deaths. And also, like Ms Zhou said, the most dangerous message on earth is not the shark but actually us humans. We kill the sharks, fishes and also hunt for animals for their skin for example: snakes and elephants. We also pollute the environment by littering, building buildings on the fields. So, if you do not want the earth to become a world which is all dirty and smelly, please do your part now to save the earth.Your little action can make a big difference.

  18. Replies
    1. What does that mean?

    2. what are you talking about

    3. 404saiwaiphyonotfound14 August 2014 at 09:30


  19. In my opinion sharks are not dangerous but humans are the ones making them dangerous.As we all know humans hurt animals for their skin and more. Lets do our part to stop animal abuses.In conclusion,animals would not harms us if we do not harm them.

  20. I don't understand your your comment. You also have some spelling and tenses mistakes.

  21. At first when I read the quote, I didn't understand anything.When look at the picture, I didn't understand anything.After the teacher explained the meaning,I understood it very well.
    We are the ones harming the animals not the other way round.The animals harm us for their protection.As for us,we hunt them down so that we can have their body parts or eat them.We are the ones who are actually destroying nature.
    Soon all of nature will be destroyed.Please help save nature.

  22. When I first read the words on the picture,I thought that the picture with the words are weird ._______. As I thought there was no meaning :P
    But after Ms Zhou :> explained that it was the human being there that was dangerous.We are the ones that are harming the animals,not the animals that are harming us.We,kill them for their body parts for some 'precious' items like the elephants ivory or the shark's fin. I think that if we still continue to kill/destroy the animal's life/habitats,very soon,all the animals will become extinct.We should all do our part by protecting the nature:>

    1. 404saiwaiphyonotfound14 August 2014 at 09:28

      404Lefabfabnyancat Imberniceduhnot found

    2. Bernice and Wai Phyo, stop your long names.

    3. ...........Sai Wai Phyo ........17 August 2014 at 20:22

      yes mam i will listen

      i am sad
      T-T T-T T_T T-T

    4. Fine....go on with your long names. All I have to say is if anyone asks you again to stop, don't say I did not remind you.....

  23. At first I thought that the photo was trying to say that the shark is the most dangerous animal on planet but as I read the passaage, I knew that the we are the most dangerous animal on planet causing millions of death every year. It is because we are pollouting the earth and animals and we are also causing Global Warming. We are also poll outing the Earth by littering, building factories that pollutes the air and so on. We should save the earth by picking up litters on the ground, recycling, reusing plastic bags and reducing electricity and water. You can do a part in saving our beloved earth! =)

  24. Ms Zhou, for the situational writing, do we end of with our name? If we are girls, won't it sound strange?

  25. We.. are the monsters.. Freaks who are responsible for thousands..millions or even billions of living things.. WHAT HORRIBLE PEOPLE ARE WE?!

    1. 404SAIwaiPHYOnotFOUND17 August 2014 at 20:17

      we practised on informal/formalwriting

      Dear effa,
      we should not be writting in BIG FONT as studies has shown that we can see more with small fonts but by the way,this pictures means a million words.
      hope you can have a favorable reply.
      yours sincerely

      p.s i am wroting and my com moniter is gone for reapair so some of the words may be spelt wrong as i dont have good i sight

  26. 404saiwaiphyonotfound14 August 2014 at 09:26

    Did you know i rage more than the angry german kid?

  27. This tells a lot ..
    but all I have to say is stop polluting the Earth.

  28. ...........Sai Wai Phyo ........17 August 2014 at 20:36

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) hello

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