Monday 18 August 2014

Synthesis Practice

Exercise 7
1. This bag which is hand-woven with previous stones is designed by a famous French designer.
This bag which is designed by a famous French designer is hand-woven with precious stones.

2. The equatorial jungle in which numerous species of flora and fauna flourish is fast diminishing.

3. My uncle who is my mother's brother works as a butler for a prominent politician in Dubai.

4. The writer whose hair is long and curly has written many children's adventure stories.

5. (It is alright if you are not able to do this  :]  )
I want to express my gratitude to my family and friends without whose support I will not be a successful film director.

Exercise 8
1. Mrs De Souza whom Sue has a lot of respect and admiration for is a dedicated teacher.

2. I told her to trust Jim whom I knew was the more reliable one.

3. The prestigious institution of learning where many notable scientists and inventors have been produced is expanding overseas.

4.  When I finally had the courage to break the news to Josh, he appeared bewildered and shocked all at once.

5. He denied vehemently when I accused him of abusing the kitten.

Geetha Menon B.A., P.G.D.E. , Editing, Punctutation, Synthesis & Transformation (Primary 5), Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd, 2009


  1. Exercise 7..previous must be precious..

  2. I think for Exercise 8 question 4 it should be 'break the bad news'.

  3. Thank,but question 8 should be "break the bad news".

  4. Someone who always shouts;)(Yamone)19 August 2014 at 17:07

    It does not really matter whether it is 1 or 2 aprostrophes( I know I spelled it wrongly, please correct me), anyway you understand what I mean right?

    1. Serious? At least you know what 'break the bad news'/''break the bad news'' means.
