Saturday 30 March 2013

Online Maths Games/Quizzes on Fractions

Happy Good Friday!

I hope all of you had a great long weekend so far doing meaningful things like spending time with your family as well as completing important tasks such as your school assignments.

While looking through your maths assignments on Fractions, Miss Dee noticed that some of you did not simply the fractions to its simplest form or lowest terms. In maths, fractions are simplified so that the numbers would be smaller and it is easier for us to do further calculations with the fractions. Do you prefer to work with small simple numbers or large numbers? Can you think of other reasons as to why we need to simplify fractions?

Remember, it is necessary to simplify fractions!

The following are the links to two online games for you to practise simplifying fractions.

Soccer Math Game by

Reducing Fraction Quizz by MathsPlayGround

Have fun!

Leave a comment below to let me know how you find these games or quizzes.

- Miss Dee - 


Your working is much more important than your answer!

Teachers love to read your maths workings because we are always curious to find out how you get the answer.


Wednesday 27 March 2013

Our sugar canes!

Our sugar canes are growing!
 After a week...
What does this tell you about growth of plants? Do all plants have to start growing from seeds? =) On top of that, what do you observe about the roots? What are the names of different types of root systems?

Fluffy has become a moth!

Fluffy has finally become an adult!
It took him about 2 weeks to grow from a caterpillar into a moth. Rich's guess was correct. Fluffy is a moth instead of a butterfly.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Science Lesson: What's the MATTER with everything?

Good evening Young Scientists of Primary 4/7!

I believe that all of you had a great time playing the Science quizz together as a class. Remember, winning is not everything but the effort to win is!

Below is my presentation slides for this lesson. Do feel free to look through them again to revise what we have learnt for today.

Lesson : What is Matter?


How to prove that air occupies space?

What is it like to do a somersault in outerspace?

Aspiring to become an astronaut? Click here to find out how you could be the next astronaut. You will have to work doubly hard and be in a state of good health to become an astronaut. Start studying and exercising today!

Put on Your Thinking Cap
After today's lesson, I would like you to think through the following questions and leave a comment below this post.

1) Besides energy and shadow, what else is not considered a matter in this universe?
2) What is vacuum?
3) How do we prove that water occupies space?
4) Sun is a matter which is consists of heat energy and gases like hydrogen and helium. So, how light is the Sun? What is the mass of the sun?
5) Xue Ying shared with us one way of measuring the volume of the liquid in the bottle given only a beaker (100 ml).  Can you think of other ways of doing so?

If you have any other questions relevant to what we have covered for today, please do leave a comment below with your questions. If you know answers to some of your classmates' answer, you could also leave a reply or response under their comments.

Here's a quote for today!

"Science is a cemetery of dead ideas."  - Miguel de Unamuno

There are constantly new discoveries made in the field of science. Some of the ideas are dead because they no longer stay true anymore.Like what I've mentioned in class, there are many things in the universe which are not yet discovered. Even til today, no one knows how gravity is being form and why it exists. Could you be the next scientist to find out why?

- Miss Dee - 

Saturday 16 March 2013

Last day of school for Term 1

Term 1 has finally come to an end. We ended yesterday with a mini pizza party and a lovely badminton session. We chose our star pupil for the month of February and March too! Congratulations to the five nominees for showing the CARES values, taking pride in their work and being good role models to their peers. They are:

1. Zi Xing
2. Serena
3. Chee Wooi
4. Jessica
5. Sijie

Congratulations to Serena and Sijie for being voted as the Star pupil for the month of February and March respectively. As we can only choose one pupil to be the Star pupil every month, we are reminded that not getting the award does not mean that we are not Star pupils. We are each a star on our own.

We look forward to the one week holiday and hope everyone has a fruitful week! Of course, not forgetting to check the class blog daily and to complete our homework:

- Learnlogy
- Fraction Worksheet
- Math Workbook Pg 102-104

- English Worksheets x3

- Complete Travel Declaration

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Visual Multiplication with Lines

Today, we learnt an interesting way to multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number. It works! What is the math logic behind this method?

Adapted from:

Fluffy is growing!

We found Fluffy last Friday, 8th March. It was still a caterpillar then. Initially, we were still worried that  we were not giving it the correct food when it did not seem to be active. To our surprise, it turned into a pupa over the weekend! It is still currently at the 3rd stage of its life cycle before it becomes a butterfly. How long will it take to become a butterfly? Would it be a moth instead? We wonder...

Sunday 10 March 2013

Welcome to 4-7!

A bunch of fun-loving, exciting, keen, motivated, and creative children embarking on a cool and enjoyable journey together...