Tuesday 26 March 2013

Science Lesson: What's the MATTER with everything?

Good evening Young Scientists of Primary 4/7!

I believe that all of you had a great time playing the Science quizz together as a class. Remember, winning is not everything but the effort to win is!

Below is my presentation slides for this lesson. Do feel free to look through them again to revise what we have learnt for today.

Lesson : What is Matter?


How to prove that air occupies space?

What is it like to do a somersault in outerspace?

Aspiring to become an astronaut? Click here to find out how you could be the next astronaut. You will have to work doubly hard and be in a state of good health to become an astronaut. Start studying and exercising today!

Put on Your Thinking Cap
After today's lesson, I would like you to think through the following questions and leave a comment below this post.

1) Besides energy and shadow, what else is not considered a matter in this universe?
2) What is vacuum?
3) How do we prove that water occupies space?
4) Sun is a matter which is consists of heat energy and gases like hydrogen and helium. So, how light is the Sun? What is the mass of the sun?
5) Xue Ying shared with us one way of measuring the volume of the liquid in the bottle given only a beaker (100 ml).  Can you think of other ways of doing so?

If you have any other questions relevant to what we have covered for today, please do leave a comment below with your questions. If you know answers to some of your classmates' answer, you could also leave a reply or response under their comments.

Here's a quote for today!

"Science is a cemetery of dead ideas."  - Miguel de Unamuno

There are constantly new discoveries made in the field of science. Some of the ideas are dead because they no longer stay true anymore.Like what I've mentioned in class, there are many things in the universe which are not yet discovered. Even til today, no one knows how gravity is being form and why it exists. Could you be the next scientist to find out why?

- Miss Dee - 


  1. 1.Dose it mean that the earth also have partical?

    2.How can an astronaut eat?

    3.If we are in outer space.We tie a ribbion on the astronaut's leg and a 9999999999999999999999999999999999KG weightlift.Will the weightlift fly ,the astronautor both of it will fly?

    4.If one day the whole solar system dose not have the partical what will happen?

    1. what is all the 9999999999999999999999999999999kg ?

    2. Hi Xue Yin,
      It's great to see that you have reflected upon what has been discussed in class today. As for the responses to your questions, I would like you to think of the following.

      Qn 1) Matter is made up of tiny particles. Is the earth a matter? Does it has the properties of a matter?

      Qn 2) Like what you've seen in the video during class today, astronauts drink from tightly-sealed packages with a straw or a tube. If it's an apple, they can simply use their hands to apply force and pull the apple towards their mouth. But, what do you think are some of problems the astronauts might face when it comes to food?

      Qn 3) There is zero gravity acting upon you once you are in outer space. However, the astronaut and the heavy weights still has masses but there is no force pushing it downwards towards the earth. If the spaceship which weighs about 50,000 kg can float in space, then wouldn't an object which weighs 9999999999999999 ... kg float as well?

      Qn 4) If there isn't any particles around, there wouldn't be any matter existing on earth. If there is no matter, then there wouldn't be any planets like earth either. From here, what do you think you it will result in?

      From Miss Dee

    3. Eaint Phyu, 999999...kg refers to the mass of the object. Remember, what we have learnt today about mass? Mass is measured in terms of grams and kilograms.

    4. Thank you , Miss Dee !

  2. I did some research and found out that vacuum is space that is empty of matter,but I don't exactly know what that means.

    1. Great job Yamone! Vacuum is just an empty space which has practically NOTHING. No matter, no particles. So based on your research, where can we find vacuum? Are we able to create vacuum on earth?

    2. On Wikipedia,it says that vacuum can be found in outer space.On google, I found out that we can create vacuum even at home.

    3. Interesting !

    4. That's right Yamone! Great research skills there! In outer space, everywhere is vacuum which means there is no particles or matter or air. Yes, we can create vacuum on earth by sucking the air ( and all other particles) out of a container to create a space which has nothing in it. Interesting it is, Eaint Phyu!

  3. Miss Dee , I can not find yesterday astronaut trying to drink water from the bottle without spilling water on his shirt . :(

  4. I meant the video in outer space , trying to drink water from the bottle without spilling water on his shirt .

    1. Hi Eaint Phyu,

      I've just included the video of an astronaut drinking water in outer space in this blogpost. I've forgotten to insert the video earlier on so thank you for reminding me.

    2. your welcome Ms Dee ! :)

  5. Koh Xian Hui Bernice Koh Xian Hui Bernice27 March 2013 at 21:35

    How many zeros are there in a million ?

    1. I think there are 7 zeros in a million .

    2. Are you sure? how many zeros are there in 100 thousands? What comes next?

    3. I do not know ?

    4. That's alright, Eaint Phyu.
      One hundred thousand: 100, 000
      ( Remember that hundred represent 2 zeros while thousand represents 3 zeros?)

      one million: 1, 000, 000
      ( Million represent 6 zeros)

      I hope you do remember how many zeros there are in a million. You will never know when you will become a millionaire someday, would you?

  6. Beside energy and shadow,sounds and temperature are also not a matter.

    1. You're getting it, Chee Wooi. Great! =)

    2. Yes, good attempt Chee Wooi in answering the questions posed. As mentioned in class, there are many different types of energy e.g heat energy ( temperature), sound energy, electrical energy and so on. So sound and temperature (heat energy) are under the category of energy.

  7. intresting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Good to know that you can finally log on to the class blog , Andrew! We are going a little off course from the topic of Matter but it's always good to venture beyond your textbook.

      Do allow me to rephrase your question as " How does the moon reflects sunlight?" Do you mean that? Well, everything reflects sunlight which will enters our eyes so that we can see the object. If you would like to know more about the moon, you could visit this website which has many interesting facts about the moon written for kids like yourself.


  9. I checked on the internet and the mass of the Sun is 1.989E30kg

    1. Yes indeed. Good effort, Effa! :)

      The mass of the sun is 1.989E30 kg which means it's 1,989,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg !

      It's very massive! Even though it is simply made up of gases like helium, hydrogen and energy.

    2. Wow!But Ms Dee u said that the sun is light.

    3. The Sun is 'light' in space, so as to speak, because there is no gravity acting upon it. But yes, correct me if I'm wrong from the start, the sun has a huge mass!

      Miss Dee

    4. How much gravity does the sun have ? - Eaint Phyu

  10. Miss Dee, what do you think if there are suddenly no gravity? *

    1. Hmm... gravity is a downward force which acts on all objects close to the earth. Without gravity, every matter you can find on earth will float aimlessly in the air! Imagine, you will don't have to sit down on chairs during lesson because you will be floating like those astronauts in space!

      Miss Dee

    2. That would be fun ! But how do we swim if we do not have gravity ? this is Eaint Phyu if you do not know who Emily is . *_^
