Thursday 4 April 2013


Hi Primary 4/7!

It's interesting how some of you spelt angles as "angels" in your maths assignment on angles. Do not confuse between these two words!

As promised, I will include the link to the Alien angle game and Spaceship game which most of you are already addicted to. Both games involves measuring of angles.

Today, some of you were also asking about the online tool which I use to select your classmates' name. This tool is called the name randomizer. Since all of you were so intrigued by it, I've provided embedded the Name randomizer tool below. Go ahead and click 'Go!' and see if your name appears on the screen.


Today, we covered the topic on 'Turns and Right angles'. We learnt that 1 turn makes an angle of 360 degrees while half a turn makes an angle of 180 degrees. Now, we are learning how to measure angles more than 180 degrees. Here's an online game which involves measuring angles up to 360 degrees.

I apologize that we are unable to carry out the Science experiment today but we will be carrying out the experiments soon as agreed. We have went through the balloon experiment in class and here's the video in it.
Does air has mass?

The experiment shown in the video is different from the experiment we are suppose to carry out in the lab. But both experiments would prove that air is consists of many particles which carries a mass. Hence, air has mass.

Thank you Children for being understanding and I hope you would have a pleasant week ahead. 

Miss Dee


  1. Miss Dee can you just tell us what is the website of the spinner?????????????????????????????????????????????????


    1. Here you go, Xue Yin.

      Miss Dee

    2. Air does have mass . ^_^ This is Eaint Phyu if you do not know who Emily is . *_^

  2. We need to click Change Names then go .
    I am Bernice if you dont know who is Hazel Nut .
