Friday 5 April 2013

Computer Lab Lesson on 8-Point Compass

Today's Lesson

8-Point Compass

You will be learning:

(1) The 8 directions in a compass 

(2) The angle between two directions ( e.g North and North-east) is 45 degrees.

(2) Clockwise and anti-clockwise directions

Task 1

Read the following information on the 8-point compass and learn about the 8 directions as indicated on the compass. Then, complete quiz 1 below. Click here and record your score under your name. 

Complete a quiz 1 and record your score by clicking here. DO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW OF THE RECORD SHEET UNTIL YOU'VE FILLED UP THE FORM COMPLETELY.

Task 2

Play the online game on clockwise and anti-clockwise directions.

Instructions: Click the link below and select the options "Starter Mode: Each segment is 45 degrees" and tick the check box "time".

Link :

Task 3

Read and study the diagrams below in order to do a quiz 3. Fill in your answers in the record sheet form.

Quiz 3 Questions

Use the diagram below to help you with the questions below. Type your answers in the record sheet form.

Question 3(a) N to NE : _____ degrees in the clockwise direction.

Question 3 (b) W to NE : ______ degrees in the clockwise direction.

Question 3 (c) NW to W: _____ degrees in the clockwise direction.

Question 4 (a) S to SW : ______ degrees in the anti-clockwise direction.

Question 4 (b) W to NW : ________ degrees in the anti-clockwise direction.

Complete the questions in the form and click 'submit'

Visit this link , then scroll down and attempt question 2,3,4.

Completed all the three tasks? Proceed to the section on 'additional activities'.

Additional Activities

Activity (1) : Measuring angles in a figure with an online Protractor

Instructions : Click on the link below and attempt the five questions. 



  1. Miss Dee I do not know how to key in my marks

    1. Hi Yu Xuan,

      Click onto the record sheet form link:

      Then, fill in the boxes by click the boxes so that your cursor will appear. Do look for me tomorrow if you need help.

      Miss Dee

  2. It is very easy.
